COVID19 and our current working conditions

We are currently adhering to the advice from Government and all of our client facing staff are now working from home to provide a responsible level of social distancing. All advisers and support staff remain contactable by telephone, e-mail or text during normal office hours. We would like to thank our clients for their understanding in these difficult times, both from a health and investment view point and assure them of our continued best endeavours to ensure the best outcomes.

Client reviews will still be conducted, but more likely now by telephone or electronic means to suit individual client circumstances. Limited face to face meetings can be arranged at client request, although this may not be with your regular adviser.

We will continue to conduct the due diligence and research work that is required to support the advice we provide throughout this period.

Our approach to this matter will be reviewed alongside updated Government advice and internally on a weekly basis.

Please all stay safe.